This is a short example of how to use a single video player, but record multiple, separate interaction sessions.
First, include the YouTube player.
Here, we use data-name="lllplayer"
Then, whenever you want to start a new session,
the player,
followed by newSession(log_field_name)
For details, see the code at the bottom of the page.
Live heat-map:
Past heat-maps:
Code executed when creating a new session::
// Required: Call stop(): lllplayer.stop(); // Preferably, pick a new name for the log field (initial name is 'events_1'): var name_counter = lllplayer.log_field_name.split('_'); var new_name = name_counter[0] + '_' + (Number.parseInt(name_counter[1])+1); var heatmap = LLL.HEATMAP.createHeatmapAndDiv(lllplayer, []); heatmap.showHeatmapOf(lllplayer); $('#heatmapList').prepend(heatmap.node); // Call newSession(): lllplayer.newSession(new_name)